The Drama department is strongly linked with partners at Clayton, Keele University, Westlands Primary School and a host of high quality outside agencies.
The Drama department aims to inspire pupils through innovation in lessons and performances.
To promote understanding of theatre as an art form
- To enable students to use dramatic forms.
- To raise awareness and appreciation of theatre from different cultures.
- To familiarise students with the body of knowledge, principles and vocabulary related to this art form.
- To raise awareness of the functions of dramatic form.
- To learn and develop understanding of how to control the form through a variety of dramatic conventions.
- To feel confident enough to experiment with the art form.
- To raise awareness of the place of theatre within the context of other art forms.
To develop students’ interpersonal skills (through group work)
These include:
- Self-confidence
- Communication
- Co-operation and collaboration
- Commitment.
To develop students’ expressive skills
These include:
- Imagination
- Creativity
- Presentation
- Working independently and with others.
To enhance a specific group of study skills
- Observation
- Research (including the use of ICT)
- Concentration
- Evaluation (both orally and in writing)
- Structured writing of various kinds
- Reflecting critically on the quality of their work and refining it, with the support of teachers and peers.
Kreative Freedom Programme
Amazing work produced by our year 9 Drama students as part of the Kreative Freedom Programme!