Newcastle Academy has regard to the current SEN Code of Practice (2014) when carrying out the school’s duties towards all pupils with Special Educational Needs, to ensure suitable provisions are applied. The SEN Code of Practice is a statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures. Newcastle Academy aims to provide high quality and inclusive support by working closely with teachers, parents and the pastoral team to help students achieve their potential.
The SENDCo deploys a range of tools to assess individual need. The data is then used to plan intervention, while ensuring an inclusive approach. The progress of pupils is monitored and tracked. Working closely with subject teachers, outside agencies and the pastoral team, their input is used to plan ‘next steps’ – both for individual pupils and as a whole school.
In addition to supporting students to make academic progress, we recognise the importance of developing student’s social and emotional well-being. We encourage our students to reach their potential through a range of enrichment activities. Our therapy dogs, Margaux and Gibbs visit school every week to work with students. They are an excellent addition to our school and students look forward to their visit.
Parents play a central role in supporting the work of the department and we welcome their involvement. Together we make a difference.
SEN policy can be found here in Downloads – Click Here
Click here for current SEND Information Report
Link to the local offer page – Click To View
Mr Qamar Riaz – Headteacher
Duncan Adams – SENCO
Emma Green – Learning Support Practitioner
Keith Finnemore – Learning Support Practitioner
Andrew Boulton – Learning Support Practitioner
Holly Hopwood – Learning Support Practitioner
Kate O`Donnell - Learning Support Practitioner